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Mustang Jeans


The best you can be is still yourself. That's why MUSTANG is committed to a fundamentally honest denim philosophy, in which naturalness and originality are paramount. So you can always recognise a pair of jeans from MUSTANG by the fact that they fit you perfectly, not only in size and cut, but also in other respects.

In 1948 Albert Sefranek exchanged 6 bottles of schnapps for 6 original US jeans and thus laid the foundation for a German success story in the denim business. Because besides a healthy down-to-earth attitude, it is above all innovative strength and creativity that distinguish the company. No wonder then that MUSTANG launched the first ladies' jeans and the first cord jeans in Europe, as well as the first stretch jeans in the world. Just as much as a perfectly coordinated lifestyle offer, which completes the classic jeans with licenses in the areas of shoes, leather, belts, bodywear and accessories.

So MUSTANG is the traditional brand that has already delivered all kinds of material for great stories. But above all for jeans that are as true as the people who wear them. Exactly: True Denim for true people.

The team at MUSTANG Outlet Soltau is looking forward to your visit. 


Mustang Jeans

Designer Outlet Soltau
Geschäft 12
Rahrsberg 7
29614 Soltau

+49 (0) 5191-978 58 51