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18 19 15
Tue 1711
Wed 138
Thu 146
Fri 159
Sat 1212

always up to date


Be always up to date and find out everything about the Designer Outlet Soltau.


Shop until 10 p.m

Happy Friday

On July 26th it's Happy Friday at the Designer Outlet Soltau! Until 10 p.m. you can browse the shops of your favorite brands to your heart's content and secure exclusive offers of up to 70%*. Look forward to entertainment, culinary delights and fantastic discounts. Mark July 26th in your calendar now and come visit us!


Summer Sale

Summer is finally here and with it our long-awaited Summer Sale starts! Now is the perfect time to refresh your closet with the latest trends while taking advantage of great deals. Discover a diverse selection of stylish summer outfits.

Private Sale

As a VIP Club member, secure exclusive offers at our private sale from June 6th to 8th. Look forward to unique discounts that are only available to our VIP members and benefit from special advantages when shopping.


30. May - 1. June 2024

Crazy Days

Look forward to the Crazy Days from May 30th to June 1st at the Designer Outlet Soltau. Discover crazy 70% offers and enjoy a great shopping weekend for the whole family. Shop your favorite styles and enjoy delicious food at our Footrucks during your shopping break.

Shop until 10 p.m

Happy Friday

On May 10th it's Happy Friday at the Designer Outlet Soltau! Until 10 p.m. you can browse the shops of your favorite brands to your heart's content and secure exclusive offers of up to 70%*. Look forward to entertainment, culinary delights and fantastic discounts. Mark May 10th in your calendar now and come visit us!


26. & 27. April

Heide Days

Experience the wonder of the heath – our Heide Days take place on April 26th and 27th. Be inspired as you explore the natural diversity of the heath with all your senses. Discover unique and fantastic products that can only be found in the heath. Get to know our incredible partners and enjoy the diverse delicacies and offers.

April 18, 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m

Job Day

Get your new dream job now! Our Job Day will take place on April 18th with more than 13 brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Guess, ONLY and many more. Just come as you are and ask your questions straight away.


30. März


Give the gift of joy at Easter! Delicious chocolate from Lindt or small gifts from Ravensburger and Co. are waiting for you in our center. Find your Easter gift with us to take home. Or experience an exciting day of shopping with the whole family on Easter Saturday with us. Look forward to little surprises and go in search of our Easter bunny, who runs around the center and hides.

21. - 23. March

Crazy Days

Soon it's time again! Look forward to the Crazy Days from March 21st to 23rd at the Designer Outlet Soltau. Discover crazy 70% offers and enjoy a great shopping weekend for the whole family. Shop your favorite styles and enjoy delicious food at our footrucks and exciting entertainment in the middle of our center during your shopping break.


14. - 16. March

VIP Days

As a VIP Club member, secure exclusive offers at our VIP Days from March 14th to 16th. Look forward to unique discounts that are only available to our VIP members and benefit from special advantages when shopping.

New Arrivals

Spring fever is awakening and hibernation is over! We'll put you in the pure spring mood with our new arrivals. Look forward to breathtaking styles and fresh looks that are perfect for the start of the warm season. Be inspired by our new arrivals.


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