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Marc O'Polo

Scandinavian design with a focus on sustainability
Marc O'Polo was founded in Stockholm in 1967 with the vision of using primarily natural materials. Today, Marc O'Polo is an international casual fashion brand with the goal of being entirely sustainable. Marc O'Polo products stand for quality, Scandinavian design and innovation.

The Marc O'Polo range includes modern casual wear for men and women as well as urban streetwear by Marc O'Polo DENIM, cosy loungewear and bodywear as well as high-quality accessories, shoes and bags with a special premium appeal. Many of the Marc O'Polo products are made with more sustainable and innovative materials and are already certified according to respectable international standards: GOTS and OCS for Organic Cotton, Responsible Down Standard for down fillings, Recycled Claim Standard for recycled materials or Responsible Wool Standard for wool. Marc O'Polo completely refrains from using real fur and exotic leathers and is a member of both the Fair Wear Foundation and amforiBSCI.

Join the Scandinavian heritage brand Marc O'Polo on its "Journey to Sustainability".  The strategy "01 Journey - 10 Pathways" defines concrete improvements in ten sub-areas of the company and promotes innovation and conscious engagement. The goal is to be climate-neutral by 2025 and to only offer products that meet high sustainability standards. To achieve this, Marc O'Polo has always relied primarily on natural and forward-looking materials and a considerate approach to people, animals and nature. It's on us. Sustainability since 1967.


Marc O'Polo

Designer Outlet Soltau
Geschäft 31
Rahrsberg 7
29614 Soltau

+49 (0) 5191-931 39 36