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Designer Outlet Soltau


The Mutschler Group has been committed to the location of Soltau and the Designer Outlet Soltau for over 10 years. Experienced operator ROS Retail Outlet Shopping is responsible for the management of the centre. The Mutschler Group, based in Ulm and Zürich, develops quality commercial real estate in Germany and Switzerland. The family firm is proficient in the whole spectrum of real estate development, from project development to land acquisition to planning and application of the building permit procedure through to financing. The Mutschler Group has already made a name for itself with the 10,000 m2 Swiss Shopping-Center Wallis and the speciality retail centre in Würzburg of around 20,000 m2. First-class properties such as offices, residential and commercial buildings on the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin and in exclusive Munich are some of the company’s other projects.

ROS Retail Outlet Shopping, based in Vienna, is an owner-managed service and consulting business. With founders Thomas Reichenauer and Gerhard Graf, experienced professionals are at work. They haven been successful in the field of project development, centre management (letting, retail, marketing, facility management and employee development) and financing retail property for more than 20 years. Prior to forming ROS Retail Outlet Shopping, director Reichenauer was employed as Country Manager Austria for McArthurGlen. Graf was responsible for banks and retail property management companies as Head of Finance for many European project developments and acts as the finance expert. IKEA Centres is active in 14 countries, with a total of 40 shopping centres, 25 retail parks and 20 projects in the pipeline across China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. With more than 3.2 million m2 of retail space accommodating 1,500 brands and more than 6,500 shops, our retail destinations welcome more than 450 million visitors each year. In Portugal, IKEA Centres has one Shopping Centre, MAR Shopping in Matosinhos.