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Welcome to the NIKE FACTORY Store in the Designer Outlet Soltau. Find daily new offers always 30-70%* cheaper. Visit your local Nike Factory Store to see the selection of available styles.

Nike - Just do it! The slogan gets to the point: just do it! If that doesn't motivate you, you can be inspired by famous Nike endorsements. They trust in the outstanding quality of Nike sportswear, from sports shoes to functional shirts. With Air Max, Nike revolutionized the sports shoe market and the brand laid the foundation for numerous successful Nike shoe series, from Air Max to Nike Zoom. The visibility of the technology has become a trademark not only for the Air Max. The Shox technology, which is integrated into the sole like a shock absorber, is also evidence of a distinctive combination of technology and design.

Take off strong with the Nike Factory Store.
The holidays are over. Now is the time for very special styles. Show off your best side with these essentials from the Nike Factory Store.



Designer Outlet Soltau
Geschäft 29
Rahrsberg 7
29614 Soltau

+49 (0) 5191-975 400